Stein-school Fortepiano ca. 1800 (probably made in Strassbourg!)
2 Kneelevers for dampers lift and moderator
Several reasons make us think that this piano must be made in France (most probably not in Paris). And this makes this piano one of world's rarest pianos because the only known piano made in France having Prellmechanik is the Ehrart 1782 (cut from the tail in 19th century, now in GNM Nuremberg)
- The keyboard is typically French. Indeed French keyboards are modeled after English pianos like most other things of all other French pianos.
- Inside the piano, underneath the soundboard there is no bar except one in the treble which is worldwide known only for this very piano! a super light instructure which is comparable with the other early French piano in the collection ca.1790. But also the French provincial harpsichord Gosset 1779 (also in this collection) and some other provincial harpsichords and spinets made in France.
There are no English, German, Viennese, Italian or Polish or Czech pianos or even harpsichords with such light instruction. (due to the light instruction the soundboard is thicker and therefore has after over 200 years not a single crack!)
- The veneering though similar to German but very French, specially the nameboard. But of course also the legs.
- The keys wood's were a bit twisted which is something that mostly happens about French pianos. To my experience, it almost never happens on English or German or even Italian pianos.
- The piano had always been in France as far as we could trace back to its ownerships.

French Fortepiano

Piano action



Fortepiano Pianoforte