J. Heizmann in Wien Stutzflügel
J. Heizmann was one of the 5 best makers in Vienna in his time. Makers like Bösendorfer, Streicher, Dörr, Szapka, Schweigshofer and Heizmann were the top 5 in 1860s.
German Text from www.musiklexikon.ac.at :
Neben Ehrbar und Bösendorfer erlangten die Firmen Czapka (ca. 1840–1936), Dörr (1817–1936), Heitzmann (gegr. 1839) und Schweighofer's Söhne (1832–1938) größere Bedeutung, die jedoch die Wirtschaftskrise der 1920/30er Jahre nicht überlebten.
This piano is in perfect original condition and concert ready! with a warm and powerful sound with a strong background of its ancestors and to my astonishment sonatas of Schubert for instance, sound on it marvelous as if they were composed for it!
Its compass allows you to play all Listz, Brahms and later works.
This is the latest piano in Radbon fortepiano collection presenting the golden age of fortepiano era (1760-1860)